Home News Here’s How Eyewitnesses Think the Carnival Cruise Freedom Ship Caught on Fire...

Here’s How Eyewitnesses Think the Carnival Cruise Freedom Ship Caught on Fire For a Second Time in Scary Deja Vu Video

Images Credit: Unsplash/YouTube
Images Credit: Unsplash/YouTube

Imagine being on a cruise, the wind in your hair, the vast ocean around you, and then suddenly, you see smoke. This was the reality for passengers on the Carnival Freedom ship on March 23, 2024. The ship was peacefully cruising about 20 miles off the coast of Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas when a fire broke out. This unexpected incident has left many people, including passengers, their families, and the public, seeking answers. So, let’s break down what we know about this case of Deja Vu.

The Incident

It was just another day at sea, with the ship sailing through stormy weather, when out of nowhere, smoke started billowing out. Eyewitnesses and a viral video on social media showed the ship’s exhaust funnel ablaze, with black smoke filling the air. The sight was alarming, to say the least. Passengers and crew members were thrown into a state of panic as the usually serene atmosphere of the cruise was disrupted by the sight and smell of smoke.

Possible Cause

Here’s where the plot thickens. While the exact cause of the fire is still under investigation, some onlookers reported seeing a lightning strike hit the boat just before the fire started.

However, this theory hasn’t been officially confirmed yet. Lightning strikes are a known hazard at sea, and while modern ships are designed to withstand them, they can sometimes cause fires, especially if they hit a vulnerable area. In this case the exhaust funnel might have been the vulnerable area.

Some Eyewitnesses Believe that a Lightning Strike Set the Carnival Cruise Freedom Ship's Exhaust Funnel on Fire
Some Eyewitnesses Believe that a Lightning Strike Set the Carnival Cruise Freedom Ship’s Exhaust Funnel on Fire Image Credit: YouTube

Response and Aftermath

When the fire broke out, the ship’s fire response team didn’t waste any time. The ship’s captain also made a strategic move by steering the vessel towards the heavy rain in the area to help douse the flames.

Thankfully, their quick thinking paid off. The fire was successfully extinguished, and there were no serious injuries reported. However, two crew members who were fighting the fire were treated for minor smoke inhalation.

How the Carnival Cruise Freedom Ship Fire is a Case of Deja Vu

As soon as the incident occurred, the U.S. Coast Guard was alerted and they activated their response team. Despite the incident, the cruise is expected to continue its journey to Freeport and arrive on Sunday morning. The ship had set sail from Port Canaveral on Thursday for a four-day trip.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time the Carnival Freedom ship has had a run-in with fire. Back in May 2022, the same ship caught on fire while docked in Grand Turk. The inside of the Freedom’s funnel was engulfed in smoke and flames, so this could be considered a case of Deja Vu.

This scary blaze is another instance that shows the importance of safety measures and emergency response plans on cruise ships. Carnival Cruise Line has assured that there are no operational issues with the ship’s systems, and the company has activated its response team to support the ship’s crew.

As investigations continue, we hope to learn more about the cause of the fire and any potential measures that can be taken to prevent such incidents in the future. Thank goodness no one got hurt.

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