Home Sports Clippers Patrick Patterson Calls Black Women “Bulldogs” In Instagram Rant Responding to...

Clippers Patrick Patterson Calls Black Women “Bulldogs” In Instagram Rant Responding to a Hater

Clippers Patrick Patterson is in hot water after some comments he made on Instagram referring to women of color as “Bulldogs”.

When responding to a user, who was questioning his interracial relationship with a white woman he said, “love is love at the end of the day so I should settle for a bulldog and act like I’m happy with my life and preach “keep it in your race” to world as if Dr. King didn’t fight/due for equality, acceptance, all cultures, loving on another and no hate? No thanks”.

Patrick Patterson with his Girlfriend Image Credit: Instagram

While the message is undoubtedly a positive one in some aspects, his choice of words is what has landed him in hot water. Referring to any kind of woman as a “bulldog”, would be inappropriate in almost every case, especially when it’s an insult targeted at a certain demographic.

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