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‘Training Day’ Outfit Stephen A Smith Uses B-word on Kevin Durant...

JordanThrilla Staff

Kevin Hart Disses Katt Williams with Circus Clown Reference While Talking...

JordanThrilla Staff
Conspiracy Theories

Here’s Why Some People Believe Katt Williams’ Illuminati Conspiracy Concerning Ludacris

JordanThrilla Staff

Is Tami Roman Sick? Some Fans are Worried After Seeing Her...

JordanThrilla Staff
Hip Hop

Does Doja Cat Have Chest Implants? Doja Cat’s Alleged Chest Surgery...

JordanThrilla Staff

What are the Best Ibomma Telugu Movies New in 2023? Check...

JordanThrilla Staff

Why are Ibomma Telugu Movies Going Viral on Social Media in...

JordanThrilla Staff
Hip Hop

Did Lebron James Secretly Play Matchmaker for Cam’ron and Nia Long...

JordanThrilla Staff

Fans are Convinced This Leaked Cigarette Smoking Picture Destroy Jenna Ortega’s...

JordanThrilla Staff

Is Disney Plus Worth It For Adults With No Kids?

JordanThrilla Staff

Here’s Why a Conspiracy Theory on the Real Reason Why Deion...

JordanThrilla Staff


JordanThrilla Staff

Details Behind Alleged Tech McDonald’s Will Use to Push Ads into...

McDonald’s, the world’s largest fast food chain, is reportedly working on a new technology that will allow it to push ads into your dreams during REM sleep, the stage of sleep when most vivid dreaming occurs, according to a viral rumor. The alleged science behind how this technology might...
Hip Hop

Social Media Cancels 50 Cent For Using Michael K. Williams’ Death...

JordanThrilla Staff

Three Reasons Why Netflix’s ‘3 Body Problem’ is an Overrated Show

JordanThrilla Staff

Denzel Washington Dissed Jared Leto Method Acting Antics on Set of...

JordanThrilla Staff
Conspiracy Theories

Here is How Black Panther’s Letitia Wright aka Shuri Luciferase COVID...

JordanThrilla Staff