Why is ‘Masturdating’ Trending? Details About New Phenomenon Created by Millennials

More and More Millennials Have Begun Masturdating Regularly

Millennials are known for being innovative, adventurous, and independent. They are also known for being the generation that is redefining dating and relationships. One of the latest trends among millennials is masturdating.

What is Masturdating?

Masturdating is a term that describes the practice of taking oneself out on a date, instead of taking another person out. One the surface it may seem like a trend focused on being lonely or selfish, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It is about celebrating oneself, and treating oneself to a nice date, instead of focusing on another person. Masturdating can involve going to a movie, a restaurant, a museum, a spa, or any other place that one enjoys. The idea is to have fun, relax, and enjoy one’s own company.

a woman masturdating at local food place.
Masturdating is All About Enjoying Yourself Literally

What are the Perceived Benefits of Masturdating?

Masturdating has many benefits for millennials. It is believed to help them boost their self-esteem, confidence, and happiness. It can also help them discover new things about themselves, their interests, and their preferences. Masturdating can also reduce the pressure and expectations that come with traditional dating, such as finding a compatible partner, impressing them, or committing to them. Also there is no chance of being rejected by yourself right?

a woman masturdating in the wilderness
Masturdating Can Be a Journey of Self Discovery

Masturdating does not mean that millennials are giving up on dating or relationships. It means that they are prioritizing themselves, and their own happiness, before they look for someone else to share it with. Masturdating can actually improve one’s dating and relationship skills, as it can help them become more comfortable with themselves, more aware of their needs and wants, and more open to new experiences.

a woman masturdating at restaurant
Millennials of All Cultures and Backgrounds are Masturdating

Masturdating is a trend that reflects the millennial generation’s values and aspirations. It is a way of expressing oneself, exploring oneself, and loving oneself. Masturdating is not a sign of narcissism or isolation. It is a sign of empowerment and freedom.

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