Details on How Conspiracy Theory Gavin Newsom Got Bell’s Palsy From COVID-19 Vaccine Connects with Australian Minister Victor Dominello

Where is Gavin Newsom? This question has fueled a conspiracy theory that Gavin Newsom got Bell’s Palsy from a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot. On October 27 Gavin Newsom posted a pro-vaccine propaganda TikTok video of himself getting the Moderna booster shot with the caption “get boosted”.

Did COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot Give Gavin Newsom Bell’s Palsy?

Gavin Newsom hasn’t been seen in public since the COVID-19 vaccine booster shot video he posted on October 27. Official reports allege he is attending to personal matters. However, the Executive Director of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Steve Kirsch claims that he has inside knowledge of a rumor that Gavin Newsom has vaccine-induced Bell’s Palsy or Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Take a look at this video below, and Steve Kirsch’s full statement on Gavin Newsom

Details on How Conspiracy Theory Gavin Newsom Got Bell's Palsy From COVID-19 Vaccine Connects with Australian Minister Victor Dominello. Did COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot Give Gavin Newsom Bell's Palsy? Details on How Conspiracy Theory Gavin Newsom Has Bell's Palsy Side Effect From COVID-19 Vaccine Connects with Australian Minister Victor Dominello. Did Victor Dominello and Gavin Newsom Get Bell's Palsy from a COVID-19 Side Effect?

Details on How Conspiracy Theory Gavin Newsom Has Bell’s Palsy Side Effect From COVID-19 Vaccine Connects with Australian Minister Victor Dominello

A few months ago Australian Minister Victor Dominello’s left eye became droopy during a press conference. After the speech he would detail how his health deteriorated after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, but didn’t officially say it was the cause of his health issues. However, his unexplained droopy eye happened about one month after he took the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine. Doctors diagnosed Victor Dominello with Bell’s Palsy.

Take a look at this video, and pay attention to his left eye.

A Time Line Between Victor Dominello’s Bell’s Palsy Diagnosis and His COVID-19 Vaccine Jab

According to Victor Dominello, back in August when the video above took place he was suffering from unexplained pains in his skull, and behind his right ear. He also had a “pins and needles” feeling on his right tongue. He didn’t go the hospital until he noticed his droopy eye in the video above. As aforementioned doctors diagnosed Victor Dominello with an unexplained case of Bell’s Palsy, which is a condition that causes temporary dysfunction of the facial nerves.

Here was his Facebook post about the issue.

Details on How Conspiracy Theory Gavin Newsom Got Bell's Palsy From COVID-19 Vaccine Connects with Australian Minister Victor Dominello. Did COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot Give Gavin Newsom Bell's Palsy? Details on How Conspiracy Theory Gavin Newsom Has Bell's Palsy Side Effect From COVID-19 Vaccine Connects with Australian Minister Victor Dominello. Did Victor Dominello and Gavin Newsom Get Bell's Palsy from a COVID-19 Side Effect?

When Did Victor Dominello Get Vaccinated?

To get an accurate timeline of how long it took for Victor Dominello to develop Bell’s Palsy after he got the COVID vaccine, you would have to know when he was vaccinated. On May 26, he posted the photo above confirming he got the AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine. He had no droopy eyes, no known public history of Bell’s Palsy, and appeared completely healthy.

Details on How Conspiracy Theory Gavin Newsom Got Bell's Palsy From COVID-19 Vaccine Connects with Australian Minister Victor Dominello. Did COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot Give Gavin Newsom Bell's Palsy? Details on How Conspiracy Theory Gavin Newsom Has Bell's Palsy Side Effect From COVID-19 Vaccine Connects with Australian Minister Victor Dominello. Did Victor Dominello and Gavin Newsom Get Bell's Palsy from a COVID-19 Side Effect?

On August 18 Victor Dominello announced he had Bell’s Palsy as you can see in the Facebook post above. He did not explain how or why he developed the condition. If you do the math it happened less than 3 months after he got the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Did Victor Dominello and Gavin Newsom Get Bell’s Palsy from a COVID-19 Side Effect?

If Gavin Newsom really has Bell’s Palsy, it happened within the first 10 days he got the COVID vaccine booster shot. As you can see both Gavin Newsom and Victor Dominello are rumored to be suffering from Bell’s Palsy due to a COVID vaccine side effect, but their situations are slightly different. At the moment there is no concrete evidence that Gavin Newsom even has Bell’s Palsy, but his disappearance over the past 10 days definitely seems strange considering the circumstances.

Maybe Gavin Newsom should show his face in public to prove conspiracy theorists wrong, but Bell’s Palsy is an uncontrollable condition, which would make that risky move if he really is battling the condition.

In other countries like Canada, Bell’s Palsy is listed as a rare potential side effect of COVID-19 Vaccines, strangely in United States it is not listed as a possible side effect.

Author: JordanThrilla Staff

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