A UFO sighting in Paris France has left people around world scratching their heads trying to figure what they are seeing. Usually UFO videos are grainy, but in this case the footage was very clear, which makes the situation that much more scary.
Viral Videos Show Orb UFO Flying in Paris France Sky
In the viral footage a shiny orb shaped UFO flies across the Paris France skyline with an incredible amount of speed. This was happening in broad daylight, but the light the orb UFO emitted was so bright it almost looked like a small Sun moving across the sky.
In a second video the person recording reversed the colors, which made the spherical shape of the France Orb UFO even more clear to see.
Take a look at this unexplained footage of the orb shape UFO in Paris France. These videos have been viewed millions of times across the world on various social media outlets.
The Orb shaped UFO flying over Paris France seems eerily similar to the orb shaped UFO that was spotted in a Guadalajara Mexico forest in 2017. There is still no explanation for what people witnessed that day.
At the moment Paris authorities still haven’t released any information that could possibly debunk the video of the Orb shaped object, which makes it a bonafide unsolved UFO sighting.
The video of the Orb UFO flying over Paris France remains a complete mystery, that could possibly be connected to the UFO sighting in Guadalajara Mexico 4 years ago.
Authors: JordanThrilla Staff