When you go on a shopping trip to the store you expect to see some good deals on your favorite items, some overpriced items you probably shouldn’t get, but buy anyway, and lines that are too long. One thing you never expect to see is a huge bear casually walking through aisles.
A Grizzly Bear Inside Ralph’s Grocery Store?
“Martin” actor Tisha Campbell aka Gina ran into a Grizzly Bear while shopping at Ralph’s supermarket, and recorded the whole ordeal for the world to see. In the footage you can see a black Bear walk down the aisles calmly as everyone in the store freezes in fear. Thankfully Tisha Campbell ran back to her car, and made it out the store safe.
According to Tisha Campbell there was no security in the store, no police showed up, and fire department personnel never came to help. It was the employees at the store that saved the day by “shooing” the bear out Ralph’s.
This Bear was trying to get that $10.99 candy bag deal from Ralph’s.
Considering how dangerous this situation could have been it’s surprising nothing serious happened. If that Bear attacked somebody inside Ralph’s grocery store they would have a major lawsuit on their hands.
Luckily Bears are actually docile creatures in most cases unless their offspring are near, and they feel something is a threat. Who knows maybe that bear just wanted Tisha Campbell’s autograph.
Author: JordanThrilla Staff