Did IG Model Bernice Burgos Groom Jaylen Brown? Past Evidence Involving Sharife Cooper Fuels New Conspiracy Theory
The relationship between Instagram model Bernice Burgos and Boston Celtics player Jaylen Brown has sparked a lot of controversy on social media, due to the 16 year age gap between the two. Jaylen Brown is 26 years old, and Bernice Burgos is 42 years old, with her daughter Ashley Marie being the same age as Jaylen Brown. Also some past allegations involving Sharife Cooper have also fueled the conspiracy theory that Burgos groomed Jaylen Brown. This has led to many people on social media questioning the double standard when it comes to age differences in relationships.
Is Instagram Model Bernice Burgos Grooming Jaylen Brown?
Many feel that if a 42 year old man was dating a 26 year old woman, he would be accused of grooming, and the same should be said for Bernice Burgos’ relationship with Jaylen Brown. Statistics estimate that around 8.5 percent of marriages in the United States have an age gap of more than 15 years. This shows that while relationships with large age gaps are not uncommon, it is still viewed with a certain level of suspicion.
The age difference between Jaylen Brown and Bernice Burgos has led to a lot of speculation on social media, with people questioning the motivation behind their relationship. Questions of power dynamics and whether or not Bernice Burgos is exploiting Jaylen Brown’s youth for her own gain are being asked by many. There is no definite answer to these grooming allegations, but it is clear that the age gap between them has caused a lot of debate and has made people question the double standard in the dating world.

Bernice Burgos was Accused of Grooming Sharife Cooper in 2021
What’s interesting about these new allegations invovling grooming Jaylen Brown, is that Bernice Burgos faced these same allegations back in 2021. Back then social media accused her of trying to groom Sharife Cooper.

It is important to remember that age is just a number, and any relationship has the potential to be healthy and loving regardless of the age gap as long as it’s legal. What matters is the connection between two people, and it is up to them to decide what works best for them. However, it is still important to consider the potential consequences of such a large age gap, and whether or not it would be beneficial for both parties in the long run.
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