Here’s Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Accused Republicans of Wanting to Have Sex with Her Making Hashtag #AocMeltdown (AOC Meltdown) Go Viral

Republican politicians have finally found a way to really get under AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s skin, and it led to her making some very strange comments in response to their strange remarks. In this article we will talk about what led to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accusing Republicans of wanting to have sex with her.

Details on What Led to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Accusing Republicans of Wanting to Have to Sex with Her Making Hashtag #AocMeltdown (AOC Meltdown) Go Viral

This whole situation started after a picture of a maskless Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with her boyfriend Riley Roberts in Florida was clowned by Steve Cortes. In particular he made fun of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez boyfriend’s feet in Jesus sandals, and the fact that she promotes mask mandates, but AOC wasn’t wearing a mask in the alleged COVID hotspot that is Florida.

In response to Steve Cortes’ tweet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed republicans are mad they can’t date her, and added that republicans’ sexual frustration led to them making fun of her boyfriend Riley Roberts’ feet. However, her comments came across as very strange for a politician to say, which led to hashtag #AocMeltdown (AOC meltdown) going viral.

The woman who usually keeps her cool became unhinged once her enemies mentioned her boyfriend’s feet, which is kind of hilarious all things considered.

Here's Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Accused Republicans of Wanting to Have to Sex with Her Making Hashtag #AocMeltdown Go Viral. Riley Roberts' feet in sandals clowned by Steve Cortes.

In response to the criticism of boyfriend Riley Roberts’ feet and sandals, AOC wrote,

“It’s starting to get old ignoring the very obvious, strange, and deranged sexual frustrations that underpin the Republican fixation on me, women,& LGBT+ people in general. These people clearly need therapy, won’t do it, and use politics as their outlet instead. It’s really weird. If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet. Ya creepy weirdos.”

Here's Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Accused Republicans of Wanting to Date Her Making Hashtag #AocMeltdown Go Viral. Steve Cortes clowns Riley Roberts' feet in sandals.
Here's Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Accused Republicans of Wanting to Have to Sex with Her Making Hashtag #AocMeltdown (AOC Meltdown) Go Viral. Riley Roberts' feet in sandals clowned by Steve Cortes.

How Did AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Meet Her Boyfriend Riley Roberts?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Riley Roberts met backstage at The Daily Show. According to her story he was talking about Tax Rates in the 1950s when they noticed each other. It seems like their love for in depth conversations brought them together. Soon after they started dating he would move to Arizona to live with AOC, and the rest was history. He was even there when AOC got sworn in making history.

Considering how long they have been supporting each other in a way it’s not surprising to see AOC meltdown over republicans making fun of Riley Roberts’ feet in sandals. The whole situation is the epitome of political comedy.

Authors: JordanThrilla Staff

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