Joe Biden’s presidency has always been shrouded with doubt about his mental capacities, and during his time in office those concerns have only grown more. Whether it’s the constant stuttering, consistently forgetting what he was about to say, or forgetting people’s names, there have been many incidents that spark concerns. Another moment like that happen recently.
Joe Biden Forgets John Porcari’s name Twice During Speech
During a speech where Joe Biden was attempting to thank John Porcari for his progress on containing the supply chain problems that have been wreaking havoc, he ended up thanking the wrong person unintentionally. The moment was strange, because people couldn’t believe Joe Biden couldn’t remember the name of his own “Special Envoy for Ports”.
Joe Biden Thinks John Porcari’s Name is ‘Joe Porcari’?
Joe Biden confidently called John Porcari “Joe Porcari” twice in a row. Maybe he got John Porcari’s name mixed up with his own name, but to do it twice in a row is definitely worrying.
In his statement Biden said,
“I especially want to thank Joe Porcari. I think Joe’s done one heck of a job, my special envoy specifically on ports, whose been working this issue with all the stakeholders for the past several weeks.”
Everyone one watching was probably thinking the same thing except for Biden, “Who the hell is Joe Porcari”?
If you think Joe Biden forgetting John Porcari’s name was bad, you’ll probably think the video below is worse. About 1 week ago Joe Biden literally mumbled and stuttered for almost 1 minute straight before they pulled away from the live feed of his Speech on Vaccine and testing requirements.
Joe Biden sounded like he was auditioning to be a mumble rapper. Hip-hop fans will understand that reference.
While no one truly knows the condition of Joe Biden’s mental health, it’s easy to see there are many red flags that he might not be all there. Joe Biden is almost 80 years old, and had brain surgery in the past so that isn’t surprising.
It makes you wonder if someone else is actually pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Author: JordanThrilla Staff