Adult Film star and Fitness Model Charli McKenna was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison for $exually abusing a 6 year old boy on video. The incidents took place in King Hill, Virginia where Christine Alyce Slayman also known as Charli McKenna recorded herself abusing the 6 year old. The police caught on to the situation when they searched Charli Mckenna’s home in Jacksonville Florida after receiving an anonymous tip. They found around 15 tapes during the search according to reports.
For Christine Alyce Slayman who is currently in her 40’s, this is basically a life sentence. She will be close to 90 years old when she is released from Federal Prison. The saddest part about this is the victim will have mental battles for the rest of his life trying to forget what was Charli Mckenna did to him.
Author: JordanThrilla