Details About FDA Approved Loral Underwear that Prevents Sexually Transmitted Infections and Tastes likes Cookies
Sexually transmitted diseases are one of the most people’s biggest fears. Although they are easily avoidable with proper precautions and safe sexual practices, they can also be caught very easily. Naturally there is a huge market for devices such as condoms and dental dams to help keep people safe while still allowing them to enjoy the pleasure. Now there is a new way for women to protect themselves from STI’s, and it’s based on old technology.
Details About FDA Approved Loral Panties that Prevents Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Tastes likes Cookies
FDA recently approved female underwear that blocks STIs when someone is providing oral stimulation. The underwear created by Lorals is reportedly thinner than skin, smells like vanilla, and tastes like cookies when licked. Women who have used the STI protection underwear claim it felt like they weren’t’ wearing anything at all when their partner went down on them. Underwear that prevents STDs is a major alternative to the widely hated dental dams.
According to studies the Loral underwear stops the transmission of bodily fluids and pathogens in test subjects. Similar to dental dams and condoms they are a one time use item. They are made from materials that won’t cause any type of allergic reaction for most people. For many this will be a huge upgrade from using dental dams that many women complain takes away all the feeling of oral stimulation. The new STD protection underwear line is called ‘Lorals for Protection’.

How Much Does ‘Lorals for Protection’ STD Prevention Underwear Cost?
A woman is more at risk of catching certain STIs from their partner during intimate relations due to anatomy of the female groin area. It’s cool to see that some companies are focusing on make it easier for women to protect themselves, while maintaining the same level of pleasure they would have when not using protection.
According to reports the ‘Lorals for Protection’ STD prevention underwear cost $26 dollars for a pack 4 making it much more expensive than dental dams, which usually cost around $2 dollars. They come in two styles, which are regular underwear and boy shorts. With the invention of STD protection underwear women can look good, feel good, and smell good in their panties, while knowing they are protected from some STIs.
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