DreamWorks Animation has just unveiled its brand new animated logo, the first change to its iconic logo since 2004. The new logo animation includes a variety of characters from some of the studio’s most popular films, including Shrek, Madagascar, How to Train Your Dragon, and The Croods.
The new logo animation is sure to please fans, as it celebrates its iconic films while also staying true to its original look. However, some fans have expressed disappointment that their favorite characters weren’t included. Others think the old logo was better due to its simplicity. Some people feel it simply didn’t need to be changed. Despite this, the new logo animation is sure to be a hit with moviegoers everywhere.
Dennis Muren, a film special effects artist and supervisor who worked on many of Steven Spielberg’s films, suggested an alternative approach when DreamWorks was creating its new logo animation. He suggested that the studio use a combination of 2D and 3D animation to create a distinctive look that would also be easier to update in the future.
The logo animation was created using advanced artificial intelligence, which allowed for a variety of unique animations to be created. The animation also includes a nostalgic soundtrack, which brings back memories of the old DreamWorks films. This is a great way for the studio to pay homage to its past while also looking towards the future.