Is Ray J Gay? Danny Boy Insinuates Ray J Had a Gay Threesome With Him in New Interview


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A new Art of Dialogue interview with Danny Boy has the internet buzzing after several revelations were made. In this interview Danny Boy revealed he did gay things with Ray J when they were younger. He insinuated that Ray J had a gay threesome with him when they were close friends.

Is Ray J Gay?

According to testimony in the Art of Dialogue interview after Danny Boy left California to move to Chicago, Ray J started to spread lies about him saying he was strung out on drugs, and tried to force gay stuff on him when they used to hang out. After some years Danny Boy moved back to Cali area, and met up with some old barbers who revealed the alleged lies Ray J told about him. During that conversation Danny Boy revealed Ray J did gay stuff willingly with him. Danny Boy claims he wouldn’t have outed Ray J if he hadn’t tried to throw dirt on his name.

Is Danny Boy telling the truth? Considering that he admitted that he himself did gay things it seems like he’s being very honest. However, considering that Ray J was spreading negative stories about his life, he also has motive to spread fake stories about him as well.

The verdict is still out on whether Ray J is gay, but Danny Boy’s story definitely makes you wonder what the truth really is.

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