New Video Shows Technique Ken Stornes Used to Break the Death Dive World Record with 132 Feet Drop in 2023

Death diving, or dødsing in Norwegian, is a form of extreme freestyle diving from heights that involves jumping with stretched arms and belly first, landing in a cannonball or a shrimp position. The sport originated in Norway, where it is still popular and has an annual world championship in Oslo. The previous record for the highest death dive was 30.5 meters (100 feet), set by Asbjørg Nesje in 2021.

The Technique Ken Stornes Used to Break the Death Dive World Record with 132 Feet Fall

However, that record was recently shattered by Ken Stornes, a Norwegian content creator, former infantry combat veteran, and a death diver who posted a video of his incredible feat on his Instagram account. Stornes jumped from a cliff by the height of 40.2 meters (132 feet) and successfully completed a death dive into the water below, breaking the world record by almost 10 meters (32 feet).

Stornes is no stranger to adrenaline and danger, as he has a history of performing amazing stunts and challenges that most humans would be afraid to try. He is a trained civil economist, commander, and paratrooper, and in 2021 he allegedly walked from the icy edge of Antarctica to the South Pole in 60 days. He also exercises on the edge of tall mountains, works out in freezing cold temperatures, and does other feats of strength and endurance that showcase his physical and mental toughness.

When Ken Stornes threw the rock, it might have secretly been his way of calculating his trajectory with a heavy object.

Photo of Technique Ken Stornes Used to Break the Death Dive World Record with 132 Foot Drop
Image Credit: Instagram @kenstornes

The most important part of the death dive was clearing the mountain. The way he lunges off the cliff at the very last moment while swinging both his arms was likely to increase the kinetic energy that would launch his body forward, out the path of the mountain’s sharp rocks. The stunt is called a death dive for a reason, as everything has to go almost perfect for you to live through it.

Photo of Technique Ken Stornes Used to Break the Death Dive World Record with 132 Foot Drop
Image Credit: Instagram @kenstornes

Stornes has a large following on Instagram, where he posts videos of his adventures and inspires others to unleash their inner potential. He is often compared to a superhero or a modern-day Thor by his fans, who admire his courage and charisma. His latest stunt was probably the most impressive and daring one yet, as he risked serious injury or even death by jumping from such a great height.

It is hard to imagine anyone beating the 132-foot death dive world record set by Ken Stornes, who has proven himself to be one of the most fearless and adventurous people on the planet. He is truly a living legend and a role model for anyone who wants to live life to the fullest.

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