People are Angry at Video Showing American Airlines Kicked Baby Having Asthma Attack Off Plane For Not Wearing a Mask Properly

As more and more businesses enforce controversial mask mandates, situations continue to show how boundaries are being overstepped by forcing people to do things even in situations where it just doesn’t make sense. A perfect example is how American Airlines kicked a mother off a plane, because her 2 year old child was having an asthma attack, so he couldn’t wear a mask properly.

American Airlines Kicks Baby Having Asthma Attack Off Plane for Not Wearing Mask Properly?

Viral footage shows the mother American Airlines kicked off their plane holding her baby as it was coughing and choking while trying to breath through they a large face mask. To make sure her baby didn’t suffocate while having the asthma attack she had to move the face mask slightly off the babies face. American Airlines felt it was necessary to kick a 2 year old baby having an asthma attack off the plane, because of the mask issue.

What’s even crazier about this situation is an American Airlines attendant allegedly announced on the intercom that the mother was a noncompliant passenger. Keep in mind the woman was wearing a face mask, and holding a face mask over her babies face. American Airlines kicked her off the plane for not tying the mask around the face of a baby having an asthma attack.

People React to American Airlines kicking a mother with an Asthmatic Baby Off Plane for Virtually No Good Reason

People are Angry at Video Showing American Airlines Kicked Baby Having Asthma Attack Off Plane For Not Wearing a Mask Properly. Video of moment American Airlines kicks mother and asthmatic baby off plane. Reactions to 2 year old Baby having asthma attack kicked of American Airlines
People are Angry at Video Showing American Airlines Kicked Baby Having Asthma Attack Off Plane For Not Wearing a Mask Properly. Video of moment American Airlines kicks mother and asthmatic baby off plane. Reactions to 2 year old Baby having asthma attack kicked of American Airlines
People are Angry at Video Showing American Airlines Kicked Baby Having Asthma Attack Off Plane For Not Wearing a Mask Properly. Video of moment American Airlines kicks mother and asthmatic baby off plane. Reactions to 2 year old Baby having asthma attack kicked of American Airlines

It’s understandable why American Airlines has a mask mandate, but it’s not understandable why they are enforcing like this. What happened to that woman and her asthmatic child seems borderline psychotic on American Airlines part.

Where was she being non-compliant in that video? Did American Airlines want a 2 year old baby with asthma to suffocate?

Author: JordanThrilla Staff

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