A shocking new finding has set the internet on fire: your eyesight could be a clue to whether you have Alzheimer’s disease. This surprising discovery, which has touched many people across different age groups, has put a spotlight on a condition that usually affects the elderly.
How the Weird Vision Problems Early Alzheimer’s Discovery Was Made
Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating disorder that slowly erodes your memory and other vital mental functions. It is estimated that around 5.8 million Americans are living with this disease. The disease is caused by an abnormal accumulation of proteins in and around the brain cells, but what triggers this process is still a mystery.
There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, but there are some drugs that can help ease the symptoms and delay the deterioration, especially if the disease is caught early.
A group of scientists from the University of California, San Francisco, have recently published a study in The Lancet: Neurology journal that revealed a possible early sign of Alzheimer’s that could affect up to 1 in 10 cases: strange vision problems. They found a condition called posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), which makes it hard for us to judge distances, tell apart moving and still objects, and do things like writing and picking up dropped objects, even though our eyes are fine.

The scientists studied 1,000 patients from 16 countries who had PCA and discovered that 94 percent of them also had some kind of Alzheimer’s disease marker. This is a big deal, because previous studies have shown that only 70 percent of patients with memory loss—a common sign of Alzheimer’s—have markers for the disease.
Social Media Reacts: Can Eye Floaters Mean Early Alzheimer’s?
This link between weird vision problems and early Alzheimer’s has triggered a lot of conversations on social media. Many young people have started to share their own stories of having weird vision problems, and this has made them more aware and worried about what it could mean.

One common vision problem that people have been talking about a lot is seeing floaters. Floaters are small shapes in your vision that look like dark dots or squiggly, clear strings of floating stuff. You can see them better when you look at something plain and bright, like a blue sky or a white wall.

Floaters are usually caused by changes in your eyes that happen as you get older. The jelly-like stuff (vitreous) inside your eyes gets more liquid and shrinks. Bits of collagen fibers clump together in the vitreous and make tiny shadows on your retina, which you see as floaters.
Floaters are usually harmless and normal for aging, but the new finding has made some people freak out that their floaters could be a sign of Alzheimer’s. This worry has sparked a lot of discussions, and sometimes, panic. It has also led to some creative ways of expressing themselves, like memes and rants, as people try to cope with this scary possibility.
But, it’s important to remember that just because there is a possible link between weird vision problems and early Alzheimer’s, it doesn’t mean that everyone who has floaters or other vision problems will get Alzheimer’s. It seems the scientist still need to do more research to really understand this link and what it means.
Confirming what that link is, could possibly lead to cure many years from now, even if it is just a preventive one.
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