“Cancel Rick and Morty” went viral after Dan Harmon was caught in a baby doll rape video. The twisted Doll Rape video depicts Dan Harmon using an infant baby for pleasure after sneaking into it’s room as it slept. Now people are saying Dan Harmon is a pedophile.
Although Dan Harmon apologized for the heinous video, the fact he raped a baby doll has fans angry and wanting Rick and Morty cancelled immediately. We didn’t include the video because we feel it’s too graphic. The screenshots below will give you a good idea of why “Cancel Rick and Morty” is catching wind.
Back in 2018 Dan Harmon stated in his apology the baby doll rape skit was a “pilot” for a parody series based on Dexter. He realized the video was offensive and took it down immediately according to his statemeent.
Apparently that wasn’t the end of this situation, as the video has resurfaced again causing deja vu for Dan Harmon. It’s going to be real tough for most people to watch Rick and Morty after seeing that Dan Harmon was raping a baby doll on camera.
Author: JordanThrilla
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