A Dave Chappelle Scene about Nick Cannon predicted the future. We realized David Chappelle predicted Nick Cannon’s future after coming across a tweet that suggested a Dave Chappelle Nick Cannon Scene was ahead of the times. In the scene Dave Chappelle took shots at Nick Cannon not being funny. When his son told Dave Chappelle “Nick Cannon is hilarious”, he took away his clothes money and cursed him out.
Fast forward to 2020, and now most people don’t think Nick Cannon is funny just like Dave Chappelle tried to tell people. These days Nick Cannon’s funniest moments are only funny because of how unfunny they are. Nick Cannon also got fired from his job, just like the character Dave Chappelle was playing during that scene.
When you add these facts together you can definitely say Dave Chappelle predicted Nick Cannon’s future in that scene.
Author: JordanThrilla