Inside the NBA remains the best halftime show in sports history due to the antics the crew pulls off. One of the funniest things they do is racing Kenny Smith to his big board to prove who is faster. Usually Kenny Smith wins the race despite his crooked knee joint. During their latest episode he showed a technique that makes winning a whole lot easier.
Kenny Smith Pushing Shaq Into a Christmas Tree Then Roasting His Own Knees on Inside the NBA Goes Viral
According to reports Shaq currently weighs around 324 pounds while standing at 7 feet 1 inch. Kenny Smith weighs around 170 pounds, and is listed at 6 feet 3 inches. As you can see there is almost a 200 pound weight difference between them. Still yet in viral footage Kenny Smith pushed Shaq into a Christmas tree easily while they were racing to the big board. Kenny Smith gave him a stiff arm on par with some NFL players. Take a look.
7 years ago Kenny Smith treated Shaq the same way.
The funniest part about that segment was Kenny Smith making fun of his own knees by saying Shaq fell at an angle similar to the angle of his knee joint.
At this point they might as well make this an annual holiday tradition.