Are NBA players hooking up with WNBA players in Orlando NBA Bubble? A new rumor states that several NBA players smashing WNBA players at NBA Bubble secretly might be a thing. An anonymous source claims several NBA players we’re seen sneaking to rooms of WNBA players at the darkest hours of the night.
As we know both WNBA players and NBA players have reacted unhappy about conditions of the rooms and food at the NBA bubble. Also there are many WNBA and NBA players that are single, and can’t see their usual friends with benefits due to the Orlando Bubble stipulations. It’s not far fetched that the anonymous source is telling the truth about NBA players hooking up with WNBA Players at the NBA Bubble.
Usually people like to pit the NBA and WNBA against each other to show the massive difference in physical ability. However, this is one time where the WNBA could be proven superior since NBA players might be chasing after them.
If these rumors are true that NBA players are smashing WNBA players at Orlando Bubble, maybe the number of players leaving the NBA Bubble for “personal reasons” might decrease.
Author: JordanThrilla
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