Did Dwight Howard Admit He’s Gay in Leaked Court Documents Revealing He Allegedly Gave Oral Top to a Man?
A few months ago it was revealed that Former Los Angeles Lakers star Dwight Howard was being sued by a man who claims the NBA player assaulted him, and tried to coerce him into having a threesome with another man dressed as a woman named Kitty. Now according to RadarOnline court documents have leaked, and some people think Dwight Howard admitted being gay in them. Before talking about the court documents, we’ll take you through a history of the case, and also times where Howard denied being gay.
Details About the Crossdresser’s Lawsuit Against Dwight Howard
The plaintiff, Stephen Harper, says he met Howard on Instagram and exchanged adult messages with him before agreeing to visit his home in Georgia.
According to the lawsuit, Harper reached out to Howard on Instagram on May 29, 2021, via his secondary account. He sent his phone number to Howard, who responded with a devil emoji. The two then continued texting and flirting, with Howard asking Harper for nude photos, and telling him he was “into freaky” stuff. Howard also told Harper that he was not gay, but “jus a lil nasty sometimes”.
At the time of texts Dwight Howard was apparently in Atlanta for an NBA game, which is where Harper allegedly lived. The screenshots of the alleged text conversation shows Howard told Harper he was “thinking about that meat”, before asking who was at his house.
What’s crazy about this is that Harper said his son was home, but sleeping, which meant the 6’11” Dwight Howard would have to sneak into the house quietly without waking him up. Howard stressed that he didn’t want anyone to see him, because it would “raise eyebrows”.
The alleged text messages end with Dwight Howard asking Harper if he wanted to have a threesome. When Harper replied “with who lol, and is that what you want”, Howard replied “A dude lol, or a girl lol”, which allegedly implied that the person coming with Dwight was a man dressed a woman, or a crossdresser.
When they finally met up, one thing led to another, and Harper reportedly claims Dwight Howard assaulted him for refusing to take part in the threesome. Take a look at the leaked text messages.
Dwight Howard was getting roasted on twitter as result of the shocking revelations.
The History of Dwight Howard Publicly Denying He’s Gay
As you saw in the alleged leaked text messages Dwight Howard told Stephen Harper that he isn’t gay. If you go back to 4 years ago, Howard was in similar situation facing allegations from a transgender woman. He did a Fair Game interview where he adamantly said that he isn’t gay, just like in those leaked texts.
Did Dwight Howard Admit Being Gay in Leaked Court Documents Which Claim He Gave a Man Oral Top?
Fast forward to recently, and now it appears Dwight Howard allegedly confirmed that those text messages above may be 100% real. According to court documents obtained by RadarOnline, Dwight Howard gave oral top to the man named Stephen Harper during the alleged assault based on the complaint that was filed.
In the court documents Dwight Howard’s lawyer allegedly wrote, “Plaintiff was aware that he would also be arriving at the home prior to Plaintiff even arriving at Defendant’s home.”, which could be an admission that Dwight Howard met up with Stephen Harper, and had a crossdresser named Kitty with him.
His lawyer also allegedly wrote, “The three agreed to touch one another, and to engage in consensual intimate activity”.
While Dwight Howard doesn’t outright say that he’s gay in the alleged court documents, this could possibly be the first time he admitted to doing some of the things he was accused of behind closed doors. Remember in the past he would deny ever meeting the men and transgender women that try to expose him.
This could be a big moment for him in terms of where this takes his career. His NBA playing days might be over now considering Warriors chose not to sign him after his workout a few weeks ago, but because of his celebrity status maybe he could be a voice for people in the LGBTQ community, if the court documents are real and he’s found innocent.
Considering Howard has so many kids with so many different women,, it’s always a bit surprising to see him caught up in situations like this.
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