Protesting WNBA Players walked off the court floor while the National Anthem was playing during an Orlando Bubble Protest. In the viral video, protesting Seattle Storm and Liberty players walk off the floor when the National Anthem starts playing. It was reportedly a planned protest to support the social justice cause of “Black Lives Matter”.
So far NBA players have been ruling the headlines, but with WNBA players walking off the floor while the National Anthem was playing that might change. Many people who support what WNBA players did will probably wonder why NBA players didn’t do this first. However, as we all know allegations of Liberty and Seattle Storm WNBA players disrespecting the National Anthem by walking off the court are about to ensue from people who dislike what just happened.
If you see NBA players doing this in future games at the NBA Bubble, it could be the first time that WNBA players protesting leads the way for NBA players. The WNBA players did the first NBA Bubble Protest in sports history.
Author: JordanThrilla