With women’s rights diminishing in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover, brave female activists have taken to streets in attempts to protest. However, with that comes unspeakable dangers due to how forceful the Taliban is being towards people speaking out against their ideals.
A sad example of this a video show Afghan women in Herat running from Taliban gunfire during a protest. According to reports two women died, and 7 other were injured. The video shows some people who got away safely.
It’s alleged people in Afghan now consider protesters the new frontline soldiers in the war against Taliban rule.
One of the things people around the world were most worried about is how Taliban Sharia Law would affect Afghan women. In the past when Taliban Sharia Law was enforced women needed written permission from a man to leave their homes. Women were also forced to wear burkas in public, which is the most concealing Islamic veil that covers your entire body, and leaves a small mesh opening near the eye area. In addition young women weren’t allow to be educated.
However, it was rumored multiple times that Taliban leaders allegedly stated that women will be allowed to work, be educated, and have more rights than in past. Various news outlets reported they are attempting to change the way they are viewed by the world in terms of being able to lead a fruitful country. Considering that Taliban laughed at a reporter asking about women’s rights in past it’s tough to see what the future holds without feelings of apprehension.
Author: JordanThrilla Staff
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