The Simpsons Predict Kamala Harris Inauguration Outfit and Pearls in 2021 During Episode From 2000

The Simpsons predicted Kamala Harris’ Inauguration outfit and pearls in 2021 during an episode from 2000.

During the episode in question Lisa Simpson wore the same purple outfit and pearls that Kamala Harris was seen wearing during Joe Biden’s Inauguration. In this episode Lisa Simpson was the president, and Donald Trump was the future president. What makes this situation crazy is that a few months ago Kamala Harris went viral for sounding like Marge Simpson.

Take a look The Simpsons predicting Kamala Harris’ Inauguration outfit with a side by side comparison of Lisa Simpson’s identical outfit.

The fact that The Simpsons even predicted Kamala Harris’ smile, has some people wondering if she is actually trolling the people who compared her to Marge Simpson. It’s far fetched, but perhaps Kamala Harris saw this Simpsons episode, and purposely wore the same outfit Lisa Simpson had on.

Until she comes out confirming that, it appears The Simpsons predicted Kamala Harris purple Inauguration outfit and pearls. The incredible run of accurately foretelling the future continues into 2021.

Author: JordanThrilla

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