Videos of Modern Tech Failing to Move Large Stones Fuels Ancient Alien Conspiracy Theories on How Pyramids, Stonehenge, and Trilithon of Baalbek Were Built
The conspiracy theory that aliens helped build ancient monuments such as Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, and trilithon of Baalbek is again gaining popularity as images and videos of modern technology failing to move large blocks of stone are being disseminated. Conspiracy theorists believe that the only way such structures could have been constructed at times when technology was not advanced was with the help of aliens who had the technology.
Proponents of this theory point to the fact that the ancient monuments contain blocks of stone that are perfectly cut and arranged in complicated patterns, something that modern technology is unable to replicate. They also point out that the blocks of stone used to construct these monuments are often far heavier than those used in modern-day constructions, making it difficult to believe that primitive societies could have moved them, in some cases very far distances.
Furthermore, some argue that the shapes of some of the monuments point to a higher intelligence being involved in their construction. For example, the pyramids of Egypt are said to have been designed to have four sides that slope inward at the same angle, something that ancient civilizations would not have been able to achieve.
The idea that aliens could have been responsible for the construction of such monuments is not new, having been speculated since the 19th century. However, it has recently been gaining renewed attention due to the advancement of technology. This has made it possible to look at the evidence in a new light, leading to a resurgence in speculation about what or who was really behind the construction of these ancient monuments.

Historians allege that the largest stones seen at Stonehenge were possibly moved more than 150 miles from Wales to their final location near Salisbury England around 4,000 BC. Some of these stones weighed around 30 tons, which is 60,000 pounds. Considering the videos above that seems to be almost impossible without some form of non human intervention.

Each stone in the Pyramid of Giza weighs around 2.5 tons, or 5,000 pounds. In all the Pyramid is comprised of around 2.3 million of these stones.

Although the idea of aliens helping to build ancient monuments has been largely dismissed by mainstream science, it cannot be denied that the evidence to support such a theory is compelling. Whether or not aliens were actually involved in the construction of these ancient wonders remains to be seen; however, the theory does add an interesting and intriguing element to the discussion of how the monuments were constructed. The only way we will ever solve this mystery is with the help of a time machine if those are ever invented.
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