Anthony Edwards may be a millionaire now, but it appears he still won’t pay you money that he owes. In a viral twitter post pro madden player ‘AB’ exposed Anthony Edwards owes him $22K in unpaid bets, and is refusing to pay up. To prove his claims AB leaked text messages from Anthony Edwards regarding the large sum of money.
Based on those text messages you can see Anthony Edwards is trying to avoid paying the money by claiming he deserves a rematch first. However, it appears they have already played more than twice already. The first time Anthony Edwards bet $12K, and $10K the second time. The pro madden player only wants half of the $22K owed, and he still won’t pay that.
Some people call Anthony Edwards Michael Jordan’s son, and this situation could be more evidence they are related. Jordan had his fair share of gambling issues, and appears Edwards does too. Making bets you can’t keep when you’re a millionaire just seems so wrong.
He’s getting that NBA money now, surely he can pay that pro madden player at least $12k.
Author: JordanThrilla Staff