Future gets KNOCKED OFF his Dirt Bike Motorcycle crashing, then tries to FIGHT in middle of Street
Future got knocked off his Dirt bike motorcycle crashing, then tried to fight the person in the middle of street. It was almost like a real life version of the game Road Rash.
Rapper Future can be seen stumbling and falling hard off his dirtbike on the concrete pavement.
He rolled a few times on the ground before going after the person who knocked him off the bike. Future didn’t seem to be in any pain from the serious fall, but he probably just had his adrenaline going. Hopefully no one was injured.
As you can see it took the person on the ATV a few moments to realize what was happening. He didn’t seem to react much to Future’s first few punches. The video ends as it looked like the person was about to retaliate, so who knows who actually won the fight.
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