Margot Robbie, the actress who played Barbie in the live-action movie, is making waves on social media for her choice of attire. The Australian star was spotted wearing a Kawhi Leonard jersey, showing her support for the Los Angeles Clippers. The photo, shows Robbie smiling ear to ear in her blue, black, and red jersey.
Why are Some Lakers Fans Made about Barbie Wearing a Kawhi Leonard Jersey?
The photo has gone viral, with many fans commenting on Robbie’s unexpected fandom. It is not clear when Robbie became a fan of Leonard or the Clippers, as she is originally from Dalby, Queensland in Australia. However, she does now live in Hancock Park, which is a Los Angeles suburb, so she may have adopted the team as her own. Leonard, who joined the Clippers in 2019, is one of the best players in the NBA and has won two championships and two finals MVP awards.
Not everyone is happy with Robbie’s jersey, though. Some Lakers fans, who are rivals of the Clippers, expressed their disappointment that Barbie is supporting the other LA team. One user tweeted: “How dare you Margot Robbie? You’re supposed to be a Lakers fan. You’re breaking my heart.” Another wrote: “Margot Robbie is a Clippers fan? That’s it, I’m canceling my Barbie movie tickets.” Some even suggested that Robbie should wear a LeBron James jersey instead of a Leonard one.
Robbie has not responded to the online reactions, but she seems to be enjoying herself as a Clippers fan. She has previously attended some games at the Staples Center, where she cheered for Leonard and his teammates. She has also shown her love for other sports, such as ice hockey and rugby. Whether she is a die-hard fan or just having fun, Robbie is certainly rocking her Kawhi Leonard jersey.