There’s no doubt that Chris Brown might be the most talented RnB artist of this generation. His combination of singing and dancing skills is second to none in this day and age. Many people considered him to be the closest thing we would get to another Michael Jackson, but his legal troubles over the years set his career back, and put him in a bad light that still may be affecting him today. Recently a controversy involving his AMAs performance went viral, and after people saw what they were robbed of seeing emotions were running high on social media.
Leaked Footage of Chris Brown Rehearsing Michael Jackson Thriller Tribute Sparked Intense Reactions to AMAs Cancelling His Performance
According to reports Chris Brown was scheduled to do a Michael Jackson tribute for the 40th anniversary of the Thriller album at the American Music Awards this Sunday. Out of nowhere the AMAs cancelled his performance without warning, and without reason. The situation left fans everywhere in the dark who were looking forward to seeing him on stage paying homage to the greatest RnB/Pop artist of all time. After footage leaked of Chris Brown rehearsing his Michael Jackson Tribute for the AMAs, emotion ran high on social media as people reacted to the cancellation of his performance.
The fact that women still go so hard for Chris Brown in terms of defending his honor even after what he did to Rihanna all those years ago is proof that the general public has forgiven him for his past transgressions. However, it seems like certain parts of the music industry haven’t, or a scared of potential backlash putting him on the forefront of a major awards show could cause. Who knows though maybe the cancellation of his performance was for a completely unrelated reason.