Man Who Recorded Ahmed Aubrey Shooting Death Charged With Murder and Attempted False Imprisonment


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The man who recorded Ahmed Aubrey’s shooting death has been charged with murder and attempt to commit false imprisonment. The murder charge comes after William Bryan Jr spoke out on live TV about filming the Ahmed Aubrey shooting and appeared to be “shocked” about whole ordeal. One of the prosecutors involved with the case had a different perspective of things.

Reports say the prosecutor said that William Bryan Jr was pursuing Ahmaud Arbery with his truck. The prosecutor also mentioned that the police report from Flynn County for the incident states that William Bryan Jr tried to block Ahmed Aubrey in the road. This could be considered “hot pursuit”, which could possibly explain why he didn’t react at all to Ahmaud Arbery being shot during the video.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation found that the new evidence was enough to charge the man who filmed Ahmed Aubrey being shot with murder.

Author: JordanThrilla

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