A company has created a virtual reality video game dedicated to Karens. The game titled “The Call of Karen” takes place in the 1950’s, and the main character is a middle aged suburban housewife. Throughout the levels of the game you help Karen maintain her perfect household as the Cthulhu invade it causing chaos.
Cthulhu is the name of a cosmic monster created by the famous author H.P. Lovecraft. A Cthulhu is a human mixed with a dragon and octopus.
The coolest part about “The Call of Karen” video game is Virtual Reality. For example, vacuuming in the game literally involves you making vacuuming motions with your hands and arms. The game can truly make any man or woman feel like a Karen after playing for a few hours.
If you thought 2020 couldn’t get anymore unpredictable, you were wrong. There is now a virtual reality video game dedicated to Karens.
Author: JordanThrilla