Details on Why Napster is Viral after T-Pain Revealed How Many Streams It Takes to Make $1 on Each Streaming Platform
Throughout the years we have heard many music artists claim they don’t make a lot of money from streams. This has left many people wondering what the truth is behind how much revenue they truly make from their streaming numbers. Today Napster went viral after T-Pain answered that question in a Twitter Post.
Why is Napster Viral after T Pain Revealed How Many Streams It Takes to Make $1 on Each Streaming Platform
T-Pain has been in the news lately mainly because his car got repoed. He blamed his money issues on trusting the wrong people with his finances. Naturally it’s not surprising that T-Pain revealed how many streams it takes for him to make $1 on each streaming platform. The answers may be alarming to some, and better than expected to others.
According to his chart T-Pain makes $1 for every 249 streams on Amazon Music, 128 streams on Apple Music, 78 streams on Tidal Music, 53 streams on Napster, 156 streams on Deezer, 752 streams on Pandora, 1,250 streams on YouTube music, and 315 streams on Spotify.
Essentially if you stream a T-Pain song 10,000 times the most he can make from a single platform would $188.68 on Napster, and the least he could make is $8 on YouTube music.

T-Pain Revealing Napster is Paying Artists the Most for Music Streams is The Epitome of Irony
As you can see what stands out most from T-Pain’s chart is Napster paying artists the most for streams, which is very surprising considering the history of that platform. Back in the day Napster was used for pirating music through P2P sharing. In fact you could say that Napster pioneered pirating music, along with Kazaa. Essentially Napster was the number 1 enemy for a music artist in the early 2000s.
Fast forward to 2021, and now Napster is paying artists the most for music streams. Isn’t that a bit ironic? The major plot twist led to Napster going viral on social media as people reacted to T-Pain’s streaming revenue revelations.
This guy detailed the horrors of how long it took to download a MP3 file on Napster over those dial-up internet connections people had to use back in the day. A few small mp3 files could literally take hours to download.

Some people detailed what it was like when FEDS started cracking down on the Napster music pirating schemes effectively ending P2P music sharing.

Most reactions were pointing on how ironic it is that Napster is paying artists the most money for streams, after being their number one enemy years ago.

The reality of the situation today is if you want to help artists like T-Pain make the most money for their music you should be streaming music on Napster or Tidal. It’s also sad to see the Google’s YouTube music platform is paying artists the least amount of money for streams.
This is a story where the villain (Napster) became the hero in the end. Maybe this will help them gain some popularity, because at the moment they are considered one of the least popular ways to stream music.
Authors: JordanThrilla Staff
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