Home Sports Did Auburn vs Indiana Women’s Basketball Teams Play in a Hotel Conference...

Did Auburn vs Indiana Women’s Basketball Teams Play in a Hotel Conference Room?

Over the years women’s basketball seems to have been subtly disrespected by the sports world. For example back in 2021 Oregon’s Sedona Prince exposed the inadequate weight facilities NCAA provided for the Women’s basketball team during March of Madness. Now a new controversy has arisen, and this one is even more unbelievable all things considered.

Was Auburn vs Indiana Women’s Basketball Game Played in a Hotel Conference Room?

When people think of an NCAA basketball game one of the first things most of us would imagine is the large intense crowds that are always on hand. A college basketball game played in any other venue other than an arena just doesn’t seem right. Sadly that was reality for the women who play for Auburn and Indiana Universities.

During their recent matchup people realized the arena looked more like a hotel conference room. The big question is whether this is another example of women’s basketball being disrespected subliminally by the NCAA in terms of not treating them to same standards as the men’s programs, or if there is more to the story than meets the eye? Whatever the case may be many basketball fans are upset about what they witnessed.

The viral Sedona Prince weight room video from 2021 has recaptured interest due to this situation.

Watching Auburn and Indiana women’s basketball teams playing in a hotel conference room gave those NBA 2K23 Theatre Mode vibes in terms of the scenery. That’s the only other place most people have seen basketball being played in a place like that, unless you look way back to early days of basketball as a sport.

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