Is the TikTok Video King Von’s Shooter Posted Of Him and King Von Doing a Hit Fake? Here is Why That Might Be an Impostor King Von
In another episode of self snitching a man posted footage that was recorded during a time he was allegedly committing a crime. TikTok user “OohItsDaDon” who is allegedly King Von’s shooter snitched on himself by posting incriminating footage on TikTok for no reason at all.
Considering King Von is deceased it’s strange that somebody who was considered his friend would release a video that could tarnish his public perception.
King Von’s shooter shared a video of him and King Von doing a hit on TikTok. In the footage you can see an alleged King Von in a black T-shirt by his car door before getting in. They were allegedly in the midst of a shootout with their target. King Von rapped about this in a song where he talked about his shooter not shooting, but was this video actually that moment?
King Von’s shooter claims he has much more video than the short clip he showed. The short clip as been viewed millions of times in the past few days.
As you will see below there are some strange aspects about this video that may indicted OohItsDaDon posted a fake King Von video.
Is OohItsDaDon’s King Von Hit Video Fake?
One strange thing that stood out about this video of King Von and his shooter allegedly doing a hit was the moment where he was sitting on the ground. If look closely at his hair you’ll notice that person is balding a lot. It’s the type of hair loss that comes with being older.
King Von didn’t seem to have bald spots like that. Could that possible be a fake King Von in OohItsDaDon’s TikTok video? Wait there is even more evidence below.

Another aspect that makes this video sketchy is the face of the person who is supposed to be King Von. Near the end of the video he briefly shows the person’s face. If you pause the video at the moment you can see the person is possibly an impostor King Von, and really only looks like him when his back is turned. Just take a look at the picture above, and you be judge.
Who knows though maybe it is real. The revelations of King Von being a hitman went viral a few weeks ago when FOIA documents leaked connected him to Gakirah Barnes’ murder.
Author: JordanThrilla Staff
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