OnlyFans model Sky Bri’s leaked poop eating confession has disturbed and shocked many people on social media. She admitted that Jake Paul stuck his finger up a woman’s butt right after she used the bathroom, and then she sucked the poop off that finger. This “poopsicle” confession which came via a podcast interview, has evoked reactions of disgust from many people.
Sky Bri, who boasts a significant following on Instagram and OnlyFans, conveyed that she enjoyed the taste of the poop by making noises to represent how good it tasted to her, while in the same breath saying she didn’t like how it tasted. This admission of hers has left many people in disbelief.
The social media platform, Twitter, has been flooded with comments and reactions to this startling confession. People are expressing their outrage and disgust at Sky Bri’s poop sucking behavior. Many people are condemning her and Jake Paul for their actions, while others are questioning how far people can go in the name of seeking attention online.
The gross nature of the act has caused many people to question their own moral compass as well as the standards of behavior that should be expected in today’s society. For an OnlyFans model like Sky Bri to leak this poop eating story to the world so confidently, does it show she has a lot of mental strength?