Back when companies were mandating COVID vaccines in many cases they didn’t seem to care about the ample evidence showing the rare but deadly side effects the experimental vaccine could cause. Rather they made broad rules that didn’t take into account the fact that they could possibly ruin the lives of their employees over a vaccine that evidence showed didn’t stop the spread of COVID. For employees of these companies that were afraid of the vaccine they were left with a dire choice, get the vaccine or lose your job and livelihood. Sadly for one American Airlines pilot his life has been changed forever after taking the vaccine against his will.
American Airlines Pilot Bob Snow Who Suffered Cardiac Arrest from COVID Vaccine Side Effect Speaks Out Condemning American Airlines Mandatory Vaccine Mandate
Bob Snow was a loyal American Airlines pilot who allegedly worked at the company for around 30 years. Despite his lengthy tenure after American Airlines imposed a mandatory vaccine mandate he was told he had to get vaccinated, or he would lose his job. Like most workers put in this situation Bob Snow had no choice, but to get the COVID vaccine against his will. Sadly, that would eventually end his career.
According to his viral testimony Bob Snow got the COVID Vaccine in November of 2021. Just recently Bob Snow went into cardiac arrest 6 minutes after landing his American Airlines plane in Dallas. In a viral video from his hospital room, an intubated Bob Snow said it was a COVID vaccine side effect that led to his heart issues. The risk of heart attacks was one of the top side effects noted about the COVID vaccine in trials, and other medical reports. Men were especially susceptible to these type of vaccine injuries. Sadly due to his health situation caused by the COVID vaccine side effect Bob Snow will likely never fly a plane again. His dreams were crushed by American Airlines’ mandatory vaccine mandate if his story is true.
Now that the dust has settled on the COVID pandemic for the most part, in hindsight many people believe the vaccine mandates didn’t make much of an impact, and just caused unnecessary drama in people lives. Some people even believe the mandates helped prove how ineffective the vaccine was at stopping the spread of COVID, which ironically was the main reason companies claimed they needed to be mandatory.
It has to hurt knowing your life was ruined over a vaccine you were forced to take, which is why many people feel it never should have been mandatory. Prayers up for Bob Snow, hopefully he can beat the odds and continue flying one day.