Three Reasons Why People Believe The Simpsons Predicted the Travis Scott Astroworld Festival Terrorist Attack and Dystopia Mixtape
It’s been about two weeks since Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival turned into a disaster resulting in many deaths and injuries. Since then death toll has risen from 8 to 10, Travis Scott’s shows have been cancelled, his Nike shoes have been postponed, accusations of Satanic Rituals have to come to light, Kylie Jenner has been accused of lying, and now The Simpsons have entered the chat.
In this article we will explain the three core aspects behind the Astroworld Simpsons Prediction Conspiracy Theory, but first here is a synopsis of what took place on that infamous day.
According to reports around 9 pm the Astroworld Festival crowd of over 50,000 people began to compress towards the front of the stage when Drake and Travis Scott were performing. This caused cause mass panic, which led to people getting trampled and suffocated. Due to the chaos 11 people went into cardiac arrest in the Astroworld crowd, and 8 of them died.
According to a rumor from a TMZ source, a Terrorist injected people with drugs at Astroworld Festival, which caused the panic that made people start compressing inward as described above. FBI is still allegedly trying to decipher if the Astroworld Festival crowd members who went into cardiac arrest was the result of the drug injected by the possible Terrorist. One of the people who was injected with unknown drug was a Houston Police officer whose life was saved by administering Narcan.
Here is a video where an Astroworld Attendee described what it was like being in the crowd when the alleged Terrorist attack started causing panic when the already overcrowded area.
Now that you have the summary of what went down, let’s delve into the The Simpsons Astroworld Prediction Conspiracy Theory.
The First Reason People Believe The Simpsons Predicted Astroworld Festival Terrorist Attack
The first evidence of The Simpsons Predicting Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival disaster, doesn’t directly mention him, but seems to reference what took place before the chaos ensued. In Season 15 Episode 8 titled ‘Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays’, Marge and Maggie go to an outdoor festival concert, and immediately complain about it being overcrowded. During the episode Marge says,
“This concert is oversold. It’s as if a music promoter acted unscrupulously.”
Marge’s statement is exactly what people accused the organizers of Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival of doing wrong. In fact it’s alleged Travis Scott was warned about his concert venue being too small, which would led to it being dangerously overcrowded.
Take a listen to this clip.
The Second Reason Fueling The Simpsons Astroworld Festival Prediction Conspiracy Theory
On November 4th Travis Scott released the artwork for his upcoming mixtape ‘Dystopia’. Strangely the artwork of his Dystopia Mixtape is identical to a tabloid magazine cover from the The Simpsons Season 21 Episode 23: ‘Judge Me Tender’. Travis Scott’s Dystopia cover has a message saying “The True Dystopia is Here”, while The Simpsons tabloid cover has a message saying “Bat Boy Accurately predicts the Final Four”.
Take a look.
Of course the big question here is did The Simpsons predict Travis Scott’s Dystopia Mixtape cover, or did he just copy a design he saw on the show?
The Third Reason Conspiracy Theorists Believe The Simpsons Predicted Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival Disaster
The third reason fueling the Travis Scott Simpsons Astroworld Festival Conspiracy Theory is really just the result of a miscalcualtions of sources. It appears a fan made artwork where Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival was drawn to look like The Simpsons art style was mistaken as an actual scene from an episode. The Astrowold Simpsons artwork was done on an iPad by artist Liam Ayson who goes by ‘liamayson’ on Instagram.
Take a look.
Did The Simpsons predict the Astroworld Disaster?
Based on the evidence it’s tough to definitely say that The Simpsons predicted the Astroworld Festival Terrorist attack. However, it’s also not wrong to say that they did. There are two valid reasons that seem to be very similar to the Astroworld situation, and directly related to music Travis Scott was promoting before the event.
It might be safe to say ‘The Simpsons did it again’.
Prayers up for all those who were affected by the injuries and deaths during Astroworld Festival in Houston.
Authors: JordanThrilla Staff
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