Video of Jr Smith’s First Five Holes at First Golf Tournament with NC A&T Aggies Goes Viral After Incredible Pair of Birdies

Videos of JR Smith’s Golf debut were better than expected, and his incredible performance has the sports world in awe. It was back in August that JR Smith announced he was returning to college at NC A&T, but what shocked fans most was his revelation of pursuing his golf dreams.

Video Shows JR Smith Scoring two Birdies at First Golf Tournament with NC A&T Aggies

WFMY News 2 Sports Photographer Brian Hall was able to capture Jr Smith’s first five holes of his first golf tournament with NC A&T aggies, and what people witnessed was simply amazing. JR Smith scored two birdies, and the technique on his swing was near flawless. He looked like a prime taller Tiger Woods out there.

A Golf Trip Inspired JR Smith to Go Back to College

What’s really cool about seeing JR Smith dominating in his first golf tournament with NC A&T, is the events that led to him returning to college. A golf trip to the Dominican Republic with Ray Allen inspired him to embark on the endeavor of college. Ray Allen convinced JR Smith to go back to college to pursue a degree in Liberal Arts, a program that NC A&T excels in.

JR Smith is on his way to becoming a golf superstar, and college graduate. That’s pretty cool stuff, and shows it’s never too late to try reaching a dream you have.

Author: JordanThrilla Staff

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