Details on How Wizards Announcer Glenn Consor Referencing Kevin Porter Jr. Dad Murdering 14 Year Old Girl Was a Case of Mistaken Identity

Kevin Porter Jr. has had a rough week filled with drama after another outburst led to him being suspended from the Rockets. In his first game back he got right back into a grove hitting a spectacular game winner on the Wizards. However, seemingly racist remarks made Glenn Consor during the Live TV broadcast shrouded a dark cloud over the happy moment. However, it may have all been a case of mistaken identity.

Did Wizards Announcer Glenn Consor Reference Kevin Porter Jr. Dad Murdering 14 Year Old Girl After Game Winning Shot?

After Kevin Porter hit the game winning three, Wizards announcer Glenn Consor said this,

“You’ve got to give credit. Kevin Porter Jr., like his dad, pulled that trigger right at the right time”.

Kevin Porter Jr’s dad shot a 14 year old girl dead in 1993, and plead guilty to the charges. He was later murdered in 2004 after getting into an altercation at a bar. Sure his dad was no saint, but for Wizards announcer Glenn Consor to mention Kevin Porter Jr’s dad shooting at 14 year old in such a disrespectful was way out of line, and completely uncalled for.

How in the world did he think this was okay?

Lebron James Reacts to Wizards Announcer Glenn Consor Comment About Kevin Porter Jr. Dad Pulling Trigger

Lebron James released a statement regarding the Glenn Consor’s “pull the trigger like his dad” comment about Kevin Porter Jr’s dad saying,

“Oh he thought this was cool huh!!?? Nah we ain’t going for this! Sorry but this ain’t going to fly! How insensitive can you be to say something like this. Beat it man! I pray for you but there’s no place in our beautiful game for you!”

Essentially Lebron James is calling for Glenn Consor to be fired.

Did Wizards Announcer Glenn Consor Reference Kevin Porter Jr. Dad Murdering 14 Year Old Girl After Game Winning Shot? Lebron James Reacts to Wizards Announcer Glenn Consor Comment About Kevin Porter Jr. Dad Pulling Trigger

Glenn Consor Apologized to Kevin Porter Jr. And Explains His Comment Was a Mix Up

Glenn Consor released a statement on Twitter after the backlash claiming that he thought Kevin Porter Jr’s dad was Wizards legend Kevin Porter who was a 3rd round pick that ended up being the first NBA player with 1000 assists in a season.

His explanation actually seems plausible, but it’s not clear if it will hold up in the court of social media law. At the moment Glenn Consor has not received any type of discipline for his comments, which might be because it actually was a mistake. Still yet it sounded so wrong when it happened live.

Moral of the story is sports broadcasters need to do their research before making certain comments.

Authors: JordanThrilla Staff

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