Did The Simpsons predict Illuminati creating he Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic to scare the masses? New footage from an old episode of the Simpsons suggests they foreshadowed the Illuminati controlled media fear mongering the coronavirus to push different agendas. The only difference was the virus was called the “House Cat Virus”.
Take a look at the footage.
As you can see during The Simpsons episode they purposely created a new virus that no one was immune to, then told everyone a vaccine was coming that everyone would need to take. It all sounded eerily similar to how the COVID-19 pandemic is playing out.
As we know Simpsons accurately predicted many events that happened during the coronavirus pandemic early stages such as the Princess Cruise situation.
Could The Simpsons predicting the Illuminati created the coronavirus to scare the masses be the truth? This time the answer is vague, it would all be based on what you personally believe.
Author: JordanThrilla