The Simpsons Predict Donald Trump Catching COVID-19 Coronavirus in 2000 Episode

The Simpsons predicting Donald Trump getting COVID Coronavirus is viral. The Simpsons and their miraculous predictions continue astonishing people around the world, and the trend continued when Donald Trump announced he had Coronavirus. The Simpsons predicted Donald Trump catching COVID-19 in a 2000 Episode.

In The Simpsons episode Donald Trump becomes infected with a virus, and eventually passes away. This seems like The Simpsons predicted Trump having COVID coronavirus.

Take a look at Donald Trump in a coffin in The Simpsons episode.

The Simpsons and their predictions continue to baffle pondering minds. The year 2000 was 20 years ago, yet still The Simpsons predicted Donald Trump having coronavirus COVID-19, and the fact that he would become a president.

Was this just coincidence or The Simpson predicting another crazy event in 2020?

Author: JordanThrilla

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