Leaked pictures of the Xbox Stream Box are going viral. Along with these new photos, more details about the tiny device have also been leaked. The device is Microsoft’s answer to making it easier for gamers to play their Xbox Series X/S favorites on Television screens without having the lug their large console around.
Here are some details about the leaked Xbox Stream Box hardware specs.
How Big Is the Xbox Stream Box?
According to newly leaked details the Xbox Stream Box is the same size as a deck of playing cards.
What Games and Apps will Xbox Stream Box Support?
New details say Xbox Stream Box will support games streaming from your home console through remote play, and XCloud games. You will also be able to download apps such as Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, and more.
Will Xbox Stream Box Support Party Chat?
Xbox Stream Box will support party chat.
What Devices Can you Connect to Xbox Stream Box?
Xbox Stream Box can be paired with any Xbox controller and wireless keyboards upon release. Mouse support will be available in a future software update.
Does Xbox Stream Box have an IR receiver?
Based on newly leaked details the Xbox Stream Box has an IR receiver, which is located on a button next the USB port similar the Xbox Series X/S.
With those details out the way take a look at the leaked pictures of Xbox Stream Box.
Microsoft is on a mission to make gaming much easier for people no matter where they are. The mixture of XCloud with Xbox Stream Box is another step in revolutionizing the way people game on their TV screens. All they need to do now is work on making XCloud not lag so much, and they are really on to something.
Will Sony come out with their own version of this to compete?
Author: JordanThrilla Staff